[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type3″ icon=”fa fa-key” title=”KEYWORD STRATEGY” class=”dt-sc-rounded”]Intelligently analysing the way people would search for a particular product or service, keywords are chosen.[/dt_sc_iconbox]
[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type3″ icon=”fa fa-flask” title=”BUILT IN OPTIMIZATION” class=” dt-sc-rounded”]WIC SEO uses the techniques of h1,h2 and h3 tags while building the website itself so that the SEO ranking is always high.[/dt_sc_iconbox]
[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type3″ icon=”fa fa-anchor” title=”CONTENT DEVELOPMENT” class=”dt-sc-rounded”]WIC SEO emphasizes the creative use of content as a strategy for the customers. Good creative content is the key to higher ranking.[/dt_sc_iconbox]
[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type3″ icon=”fa fa-bar-chart” title=”SEO & ANALYTICS ” class=”dt-sc-rounded”]The traffic to your site, your landing page performance, A/B testing and other analysis will be carried out.[/dt_sc_iconbox]


Research in the right direction

We are not joining everyone else to do the traditional keyword research producing long lists of words and phrase. But we listen to people, analyze user intent, group keywords and  provide clear, actionable context.


Content that interests….

In order to please both the search engines and potential customers and return visitors, we help to offer value above and beyond search engine optimization.


Choice of analytics tools

WIC SEO Spider is lite, flexible and can crawl extremely quickly allowing us to analyse the results in real-time. It gathers key onsite data to allow and make informed decisions.

WIC Easy SEO and Web Design Services

Customizable Plan for You

[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type2″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-search” title=”Keyword Strategy” class=”alignright dt-sc-custom-services”]Depending on your business and niche area.[/dt_sc_iconbox][dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”xsmall”][dt_sc_iconbox type=”type2″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-pointer” title=”Superior Content” class=”alignright dt-sc-custom-services”]Content for the customers not for search engines![/dt_sc_iconbox][dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”xsmall”][dt_sc_iconbox type=”type2″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-files” title=”Building Links” class=”alignright dt-sc-custom-services”]Easy SEO builds links intelligently.[/dt_sc_iconbox]
[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type2″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-briefcase” title=”Easy SEO” class=”dt-sc-custom-services”]WIC SEO is a professional Web Design[/dt_sc_iconbox][dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”xsmall”][dt_sc_iconbox type=”type2″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-webcam” title=”Specialist Design” class=”dt-sc-custom-services”]Designed by the power elite Authors.[/dt_sc_iconbox][dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”xsmall”][dt_sc_iconbox type=”type2″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-messageright” title=”Social Share” class=”dt-sc-custom-services”]Very intelligent use of the social share buttons.[/dt_sc_iconbox]


Create pages quickly and run your site in no time! Plugins are built in to take care of email marketing and online shopping cart.

Choose the best plan for you

Here is our packages, but if you feel you want something different, please feel free to email our sales department via: sales@wic.com.ng


Eligible for the following :
  • Custom Web Design
  • Technical support
  • Access to all plugins
  • Domain Registration
  • One year web hosting
  • Three Content update
  • Social media share
  • Responsive pages
  • One Year Free Maintenance


ALL Social Networks
  • Everything in Bronze & Silver
  • Full Search Engine Optimization
  • Android App Dev. & Publishing
  • One Year Site Auto Backup
  • National Phone Number Database
  • 10,000 SMS Units
  • 50,000 Targeted Audience Facebook Advert
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • One Month Free Bulk Email Server

The road we travelled so far…

We have demonstrated time and again sophisticated techniques that works!

[dt_sc_image url=”541″]

Frequently Asked Questions

[dt_sc_accordion style=”frame” framed_accordion_type=”type2″ class=”dt-sc-custom-accordion”][dt_sc_accordion_tab title=”After successful registration, what next?”]

A sales agent will be assigned to you to discuss your website purpose, goals and target audience

[/dt_sc_accordion_tab][dt_sc_accordion_tab title=”Can your sales agent visit my office?”]

Yes. After successfully buying any package, you can request for your sales agent to meet with you for clearer discusion as regards your project

[/dt_sc_accordion_tab][dt_sc_accordion_tab title=”How long will it take till completion?”]

It largely depends on your project description. But anytime from 5 working days…your website will become visible for mutual adjustments


Client Testimonials

What you get using our company's help

[dt_sc_tm_carousel_wrapper type=”type1″][dt_sc_tm_carousel_item image=”553″ name=”Pat Obilor” role=”OAP, Production assistant, CNBC West Africa”]Waka Internet Company was recommended to me by a friend and i really enjoyed their creative service. Despite the fact that i am not in same city where they are located, i still had rest of mind that my job will be done with speed. They are professional, detailed and have the ability to interprete a clients needs.[/dt_sc_tm_carousel_item][dt_sc_tm_carousel_item image=”555″ name=”Paul Kayode Joash” role=”Speaker, Brand Strategist – London, U.K”]One thing i keep telling the CEO each time we meet for business meetings, he’s suppose to be in Silicon Valley. He is a rare genius.[/dt_sc_tm_carousel_item][dt_sc_tm_carousel_item image=”551″ name=”Obioriah” role=”Senior Partner”]WIC is as good as it gets when you want to deal with an expert, open-source developers. Their high level of expertise coupled with amazing integrity and the ability to get the job done right the first time make them an amazing company to refer – I cannot say enough good things about them and I wish her much continued success![/dt_sc_tm_carousel_item][dt_sc_tm_carousel_item image=”557″ name=”Bassey Bassey” role=”Managing Director”]Waka Internet Company is about the best I’ve seen at understanding a concept, suggesting solutions, and delivering a superior final product, with a smile. WIC is an extraordinary partner in any web development venture.[/dt_sc_tm_carousel_item][/dt_sc_tm_carousel_wrapper]
Our News

We also Love Blogging

[dt_sc_recent_post column=”3″ excerpt_length=”20″ show_post_format=”no” show_author=”no” show_category=”no” show_tag=”no” count=”3″][/dt_sc_recent_post]

The need for Search Engine Optimization techniques

[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type4″ icon=”fa fa-map-signs” title=”Where is your site?” class=”dt-sc-rounded-icon-box”]Well, you have designed your site cleverly displaying your products & services. If no one visits your site to make an online purchase, you have a SEO problem![/dt_sc_iconbox]
[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type4″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-bulb” title=”Blogging Strategy” class=”dt-sc-rounded-icon-box”]Once your site is designed and hosted, if you think your job is over, you are wrong! Keep writing blogs to inform your prospective customers about your services.[/dt_sc_iconbox]
[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type4″ icon=”fa fa-bell-o” title=”Bringing Visitors” class=”dt-sc-rounded-icon-box”]Content is the king that is going to ensure your visitors stay a little longer in your site. Original content is the need of the hour.[/dt_sc_iconbox]
[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type4″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-flag” title=”What is SEO?” class=”dt-sc-rounded-icon-box”]It is an art of optimizing your site for search engines to find your site and index your content so that when someone searches for a product that you sell, your site will be displayed for him to check out.[/dt_sc_iconbox]
[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type4″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-layers” title=”Site Maps” class=”dt-sc-rounded-icon-box”]Apart from blogs which will have new content about your services, you can add new pages to you site and maintain a sitemap which will inform about new content to the crawlers.[/dt_sc_iconbox]
[dt_sc_iconbox type=”type4″ icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”icon icon-imbox” title=”Ranking of your site” class=”dt-sc-rounded-icon-box”]When you have addressed all these aspects like content, blog, sitemap, keywords and seo techniques, your site will come on top of the page when someone searches.[/dt_sc_iconbox]

Our Process

We are very serious about our web design. We do not just create pages of text, images and videos. We take our time to go through 7 phases to completing just one website

Our Progress

[dt_sc_progress_bar type=”progress-striped-active” text=”Analysis” value=”100″ color=”#cce2b0″][dt_sc_progress_bar type=”progress-striped-active” text=”Planning” value=”100″ color=”#b7d98e”][dt_sc_progress_bar type=”progress-striped-active” text=”Design” value=”100″ color=”#a2cf6b”][dt_sc_progress_bar type=”progress-striped-active” text=”Testing” value=”100″ color=”#8dc548″]
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